lunes, 31 de enero de 2022

Monday, 31st January 2022


Practice the Present Perfect in these interactive worksheets. When you finish, check your answers.

1. Online interactive worksheet.

viernes, 28 de enero de 2022

Friday, 28th January 2022


30 de enero: Día de la Paz

"No hay camino para la paz,
la paz es el camino."
Mahatma Gandhi

El lunes 31 celebraremos todos los alumnos del cole el día de la Pazvestidos de blanco y cantando una canción.


- Properties of matter (pages 68, 69).

- Experiments:
  • - Solubility
  • - Mass, volume and density.

miércoles, 26 de enero de 2022

U4. Irregular verbs' supershort list

Study the past simple and the past participle of these irregular verbs. 

Wednesday, 26th January 2022


- Correct Activity Book, pages 54 and 55

- Watch Review Videos in Class Book, page 59.

- Activity Book pages 56, 57


U4: Matter

- Read pages 64 - 65 and do exercises 1, 3, 4 and 5.

martes, 25 de enero de 2022

English test U4: Thursday 27th January

 This is what you have to study:

- Vocabulary of the unit

- Grammar: Presente Perfect

- Dictation

- Irregular verbs

Practice the past simple and the participle of 30 irregular verbs

Practice the past simple

Tuesday, 25th January 2022


- Correct Activity Book, page 53

- Activity Book, page 54-55: Writing


- Read and paste in your notebook the vocabulary of U3: Water.


U4: Matter

- Read pages 62-63 and do exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4.

- What do you remember about Matter?

lunes, 24 de enero de 2022

Monday, 24th January 2022


Next Thursday 27th: English test U4


- Correct worksheet: Present Perfect: affirmative, negative, questions, short answers.

- Correct Activity Book (pages 52 and 131)

- L8: Culture (pag. 59)

- Activity Book pag. 53. 

viernes, 21 de enero de 2022

Friday, 21st January 2022


Taller de mediación.


Test: U3 Water

KIT 2.0 Faraday

- Entregaremos los kits de electromagnetismo a los primeros alumnos para que empiecen a realizar sus proyectos este fin de semana.


- Cuidar los materiales para que el kit llegue completo y en buen estado al siguiente alumno.

- Devolverlo puntualmente.

- Firmar las autorizaciones de uso de imagen cuando se entregue el vídeo.

miércoles, 19 de enero de 2022

2ª Reunión de padres

Estimadas familias,

El próximo viernes 21 de enero tendremos la 2ª reunión anual de padres. La haremos conjuntamente Azucena y yo en el siguiente enlace:

Hora:  14:10 

ID de reunión938 605 9104

1. Saludos. Asistencia.
2. Consecución de los objetivos del 1º Trimestre. 
3. Orientaciones generales a los padres para apoyar el aprendizaje.
4. Actividades complementarias y salidas del trimestre.
5. Celebraciones más próximas.
6. Información económica de la cooperativa.
7. Otras Informaciones de interés.

Wednesday, 19th January 2022


U3: Water

- Correct exercise 2 page 51: describe the Salmon's journey.

- Correct review worksheets 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.

- Let's Revise (pag. 52, 53)

- Glossary (pag. 55)

SCIENCE WORKSHOP (Taller de ciencias) 

- Ciencia electromagnética

martes, 18 de enero de 2022

Tuesday, 18th January, 2022


U4: How can we help at home?

- Spelling test U4 (16 words)

- L7. Reading (pag. 58) + Activity Book pag. 52.


U3: Water

Story (pag. 50-51): read

- Review Worksheets (3.1, 3.2 and 3.3)

lunes, 17 de enero de 2022

Monday, 17th January 2022


- Correct worksheet: Vocabulary and grammar reinforcement.

- L5: Grammar (pag. 56): Present Perfect

- Activity Book pag. 50.


sábado, 15 de enero de 2022

Friday, 14th January 2022


U3: Water


- Correct exercises.

- Explain experiment in page 43.

- Write questions about what you learned in this unit and write its answers.


Rivers (pag. 48-49): read and do ex. 1, 3 and 5 (quiz, in Plus Zone)

- Correct exercises.

- Explain experiment in page 43.

- Write questions about what you learned in this unit and write its answers.

jueves, 13 de enero de 2022

Spelling test U4: Tuesday, 18th January

 Next week, on Tuesday 18th, will be the spelling test of Unit 4. These are the words you have to study:

Thursday, 13th January, 2022


U4: How can we help at home?

L4. Story (pag. 54, 55) + Activity Book pag. 49

- Copy the vocabulary in your notebook.

SOCIAL SCIENCE (only for 4A students)

U3: Water

Rivers (pag. 48-49): read and do ex. 1, 3 and 5 (quiz, in Plus Zone)

miércoles, 12 de enero de 2022

Wednesday 12th, January 2022


U4: How can we help at home?

- L3. Grammar (pag. 53) + Activity Book pag. 48

- Copy the dialogue in your notebook.


U3: Water

- Groundwater (pag. 44-45): read and do ex. 1, 3, 4 and 5 (quiz, in Plus Zone)

martes, 11 de enero de 2022

Tuesday, 11th January


U4: How can we help at home?

- Video (pag. 51) + Activity Book pag. 46

- Vocabulary (pag. 52) + Activity Book pag. 47 

- Copy and write the vocabulary in your notebook.


U3: Water

- Introduction (pag. 40-41): read and do ex. 3

- Hydrosphere (pag. 42-43): read and do exercises 1 and 3, and copy the diagram of page 42 in your notebook.


Social Science

To Julia and all my dear 4th year students