sábado, 15 de enero de 2022

Friday, 14th January 2022


U3: Water


- Correct exercises.

- Explain experiment in page 43.

- Write questions about what you learned in this unit and write its answers.


Rivers (pag. 48-49): read and do ex. 1, 3 and 5 (quiz, in Plus Zone)

- Correct exercises.

- Explain experiment in page 43.

- Write questions about what you learned in this unit and write its answers.

jueves, 13 de enero de 2022

Spelling test U4: Tuesday, 18th January

 Next week, on Tuesday 18th, will be the spelling test of Unit 4. These are the words you have to study:

Thursday, 13th January, 2022


U4: How can we help at home?

L4. Story (pag. 54, 55) + Activity Book pag. 49

- Copy the vocabulary in your notebook.

SOCIAL SCIENCE (only for 4A students)

U3: Water

Rivers (pag. 48-49): read and do ex. 1, 3 and 5 (quiz, in Plus Zone)

miércoles, 12 de enero de 2022

Wednesday 12th, January 2022


U4: How can we help at home?

- L3. Grammar (pag. 53) + Activity Book pag. 48

- Copy the dialogue in your notebook.


U3: Water

- Groundwater (pag. 44-45): read and do ex. 1, 3, 4 and 5 (quiz, in Plus Zone)

martes, 11 de enero de 2022

Tuesday, 11th January


U4: How can we help at home?

- Video (pag. 51) + Activity Book pag. 46

- Vocabulary (pag. 52) + Activity Book pag. 47 

- Copy and write the vocabulary in your notebook.


U3: Water

- Introduction (pag. 40-41): read and do ex. 3

- Hydrosphere (pag. 42-43): read and do exercises 1 and 3, and copy the diagram of page 42 in your notebook.


Social Science

To Julia and all my dear 4th year students